Friday, April 1, 2011

First batch of freedom rangers, jerseys and horses

      Our first batch of freedom ranger broiler chicks arrived today.  We will be testing broiler varieties this year to see what works best for our farm.  After the growing season is done, I hope to publish the findings regarding the differences in Freedom Ranger broilers and Cornish roasters.               


We were also very blessed to be able to purchase 7 Jersey cows (6 Heifers, 1 bull) for the price of about 1 and a half Jerseys in milk.  These heifers are yearlings and will help grow our hopefully raw milk dairy and will also be a "systems feeding systems" permaculture operation in that we plan to feed our pastured pork and chickens milk next year.

Finally, we bought a couple of rescue horses for very cheap.  This is the first time we have had horses and everyone loves them.  First off is Steve's horse Lady Clare:

Then we bought Gina's horse Marec:

Hopefully, we will have pretty foals in the future...

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